Wednesday 29 March 2017

Dealing With Grey Hair - Part 1

So I'm of an age now where grey hair is an issue. 
I have tried changing the colour - making it lighter so I don't see the grey (didn't really like the highlighted look on me), dyeing the hair every month darker (which I love but hey it's annoying and expensive), all to try and hide the grey patch that keeps appearing at my hairline. 

So I had an idea, why not embrace the grey!! 
So I decided I would beach the strip of hair that is grey - and then colour it grey so when it grows out you don't notice it. Well that was the plan anyway!

So I got some bleach and here we go! 

Bleach session 1 - 
Popped on the bleach to the bit I wanted to bleach then turn grey-
and put on the attractive plastic cap! 


As I had so much dark brown/black dye on it I had it on for a while...
Washed it out and here is what happened....

The roots - where there was my natural colour - went quite blondie - the rest was quite orange. 
This was down to the old dark dye in the hair. Oh well!

Looks kinda cool  - but a little 90's chav though - looks like fire. 

Not really what I wanted so next week I will have to start bleach session 2 which will hopefully lift out the rest of the colour and start to turn the hair white so I can use a silver/grey toner on it to colour it. 
This week I will get the hair ready for bleach session 2 by applying coconut oil to it to keep it conditioned - I don't want it breaking into bits later.

The black and white photo above is how I want it to look... 

Until then...Wish me luck!!
Lou 💋

Monday 27 March 2017

Out in the Forest with the pups!

A hard day at work ends with a lush walk with our pups Breeze and Indiana!
Living in the Forest of Dean we are super lucky to have the beautiful forest literally on our doorstep, which is perfect for the pups to run about and let out that crazy cocker spaniel energy!

Today was perfect, sun was out and it was kinda warm
- even went out with no coat. Lol.
I got a little bunch of sticks ready for Breeze- she loves to swim in the ponds (and muddy puddles).
Tell you what though, It's strangely had to find a good stick in the forest.....
Anyway, I found a couple and Breeze did some swimming in the ponds which is her fave thing! 
Indiana is not there yet though- she has a paddle but shes not swam yet- she will get there though. 
It was lush! A great forest walk with my fur babies! 
The best way to end the day! 
Lou x 

Sunday 26 March 2017

EASY Slimming World Sweet Potato Mac & Cheese

Serves 4.  Only 3.5 Syns a portion - Freezer Friendly.

I Love this recipe!
I found it while i was looking for some low Syn Slimming world cooking.
I found it on Pintrest - I cant remember where but I believe it was an adaption from a Nigella recipe. Anyway its well yummy - super comforting and great with BBQ foods, as a side dish or with some sausages and salad as a main meal. I also like it on its own for a sneaky lunch at work. Lush!
Lou x

Ingredients - 
500g Sweet potato (peeled and cut into cubes)
300g dried macaroni
2 tbsp cornflour
500ml skimmed milk
1 tub quark
160g reduced fat cheddar cheese (grated)
1/4 tsp paprika (if you like)
Salt and pepper

Step by Step - 
Cut your sweet Potato into chunks
Boil up the potato
Smash up the cooked potato
Cook your pasta in the potato water
Add Quark and 100g to cheese to the smashed potato
Mix well
Add milk and cornflour to a pan and boil.
Mix well and season
Add milk mixture to potato mixture
Mix and add to a casserole dish
Add 60g of cheese to the top.
Season with salt and pepper
Cook in the oven until brown

*Don't forget you can portion this up and freeze it for later.

Check out my other Slimming World recipes on our YouTube channel +Lou and Aaron
Follow me on Twitter @louloubellarell 
Follow me on Facebook @AaronandLou

EASY Slimming World Beef Bourguignon - 1.5 SYN

EASY Slimming World Beef Bourguignon - 1.5 SYN

Feeds 4
1.5 Syn a portion
Freezer friendly

This was the first Slimming World dinner that I cooked from scratch that I had never ever cooked before Slimming World. 
I was a bit nervous as it sounded posh and complicated but it was so EASY!!! 
Aaron Loves it with some fresh french stick covered in butter but keeping on plan I have mine with swede mash, but you could do it with rice, potato mash or just on its own. Its brill.
Lou x

Ingredients -
Low calorie cooking spray
100g back bacon rashers, all visible fat removed, chopped
1 large onion
700g stewing beef, all visible fat removed, cut into bite-size pieces
2 level tsp Garlic Powder
150ml red wine
425ml beef stock
1 level tbsp tomato purée
1 level tsp rosemary
1 level tsp thyme
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Step by Step - 
Brown your onions
Add everything else to the pan
Bring to the boil
Simmer for 2 hours with the lid on
Serve - Mine was with Swede Mash.

Video for my Syne Free Slimming World swede mash found here 

Here is the link to the Slimming world recipe that I used as a guide -

Have a go and let me know what you think.

Check out my other Slimming World recipes on our YouTube channel +Lou and Aaron
Follow me on Twitter @louloubellarell 
Follow me on Facebook @AaronandLou

EASY Slimming World Chicken Curry - Syn Free

EASY Slimming World Chicken Curry - Syn Free

I super LOVE this chicken curry. 
Its syn free (which is amazing) and well easy to cook - which is even better!
I do a big batch of this each time and freeze it so I always have it ready when I need it.
I take it to work and have it on its own or with rice - super filling and always tastes yummy!
Aaron loves it as well, so it cant be bad. 
I added shrooms to mine - as I love them, but you can add wherever speedy veg you want! 
The more speedy veg the better!!
If you try is let me know what you think. 
Lou x

Here is a link to the original recipe on the Slimming World website -

Low calorie cooking spray
2 tsp of Garlic powder
2 large onions peeled & finely chopped
1 green pepper, deseeded & chopped in chunks
4 skinless chicken breasts, chopped into chunks
100g chopped mushrooms
500g of Passata
225ml chicken stock 2
1 heaped tsp of medium curry spice
*Fat free natural yogurt to add at the end - if you like it creamy!

Step by Step:

Chop your veg in to chunks
Brown the onions
Brown chicken
Add everything else to the pan
Bring to the boil
Simmer for 40-45 mins
Serve - YUM!

Check out my other Slimming World recipes on our YouTube channel +Lou and Aaron
Follow me on Twitter @louloubellarell 
Follow me on Facebook @AaronandLou

EASY Slimming World Beef Stew - 1/2 Syn

EASY Slimming World Beef Stew - 1/2 Syn

An easy, great tasting beef stew!
Serves 4 - only 1/2 a syn a portion.

I love this recipe its super easy and tastes well good. 
I love to have it on a chilly Autumn/Winter day. 
Aaron really likes to have it with crusty bread - but thats not so slimming world friendly so I love having it with Swede mash, rice or just on its own in a big bowl. Amazing!
If you make it let me know what you think of it.
Lou x 

Here is a link to the recipe I used -

Ingredients - 
12 shallots
Low calorie cooking spray
2 carrots
380g braising steak, all visible fat removed
1 level tbsp tomato purée
1 bouquet garni
170g closed cap mushrooms
2 level tsp onion gravy granules
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Step by Step:
Cut up all your veg and steak in to chunks
Brown your onions
Add everything else to the pan
Simmer for 1.5 hours
Add gravy granules (and mushrooms if you are adding them in)
Simmer for 20 mins
Serve - Yummers!

Check out my other Slimming World recipes on our YouTube channel +Lou and Aaron
Follow me on Twitter @louloubellarell 
Follow me on Facebook @AaronandLou