Tuesday 20 February 2018

EASY Slimming World Hash Browns - SYN FREE

EASY Slimming World Hash Browns - SYN FREE

Ingredients - 

3x potatoes
Salt and papper
Fry light

How To - 

Grate potato.
Squeeze out any water and dry on paper towel.
Add to a bowl the dry potato, salt and pepper.
Mix together.
Add fry light to a warming pan
Make a flat round shape with the mixture
Add to the warm pan (Slowly)
Cook for 5-10 mins until brown
Spry uncooked side with fry light
Slowly flip over
Cook for 5-10 mins
Once both sides browned and cooked, you can serve.

They are amazing!!!! and even better as they are Syn free.
The perfect addition to a yummers breakfast, for a little snack or an alternative to chips or potatoes.
Let me know what you think of them!

Here is a link to my Youtube Video showing you how I made them!
EASY Slimming World Hash Browns - SYN FREE

Lou x

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